Pom Pom flowers

Brighten their day with this simple spring-inspired craft 🌸 

This craft is perfect for all ages, teaching you how to turn everyday items like paper bags and colored pom poms into vibrant floral decorations. Whether you're crafting with kids or looking for a relaxing solo activity, this guide provides easy-to-follow steps to make charming paper flowers. Dive into crafting and add a touch of handmade joy to your surroundings! 

This project was made by our Bostik Buddy, Sonia - follow her on Instagram!


STEP 1: Getting ready

Gather your craft needs and find a clear space to work. 

STEP 2: Drawing the flowers

Draw various flowers on the rectangular paper bag with the pistils missing. Make sure the flower petal colours correspond to the pom pom colours. 

STEP 3: Glueing the matching coloured pistils

Using Bostik Green Stik, glue the pom pom to its matching flower.

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