
Unleash your creativity this Halloween with our Frankenstein craft tutorial! Perfect for kids and adults alike, this project uses common crafting materials to assemble a spooky Frankenstein puppet. Follow our simple steps to create a memorable character with a cereal box, colored card, and googly eyes, enhancing your festive decor. Whether for fun or fright, dive into this craft and make your own monstrous masterpiece just in time for Halloween!


Step 1: Create hair and face

Use black card to create hair, mouth and eyebrows

Step 2: Use Foam Pads

Attach features with Foam Pads so they look slightly raised

Step 3: Make eyes and scars

Cut grey cardboard for your eyes and scars, then attach with Clag® TrianGlu

Step 4: Glue screws to sides

Cut screw shapes and use Clag® TrianGlu to glue screws to the sides of the face

Step 5: Attached face to cereal box

Attach your face to the cereal box using Clag® TrianGlu

Step 6: Use your puppet

Put your hand inside the cereal box to use the face as a puppet

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