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201 new results
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How can you remove a glue stick from a glue gun?

If you haven't used all of the glue stick that you inserted into the glue gun, do not try to remove it. Removing the glue stick could damage the internal components of the gun - regardless if the…
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Are glue gun sticks toxic?

The fumes that glue guns can release are very rarely toxic but can sometimes be irritating for those who suffer from respiratory problems. Take care when using the glue guns as like most organic…
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How long do glue guns last?

A glue gun’s lifespan can vary depending on its use. Sometimes, a glue gun can stop working due to a glue stick being jammed or stuck in the gun, causing a blockage in the nozzle. Ensure you are…
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What is the difference between a hot melt glue gun and cool melt glue gun?

The Bostik Handy Hot Melt Glue Gun and DIY Hot Melt Glue Gun operates at a high temperature and is great for providing an ultra strong, long-lasting bond for challenging materials such as…
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Can I use any glue sticks with my glue gun?

No - using the wrong glue sticks could block and damage your Bostik glue gun. We have three variations of glue gun, Handy Hot Melt Glue Gun, DIY Hot Melt Glue Gun and Craft Cool Melt Glue Gun and…
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Where can I buy Blu Tack®?

Buy Blu Tack® online through our Amazon brand store or via any major retailer. See our list of stockists
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Why is Blu Tack® blue?

Blu Tack® was originally white but consumer research at the time showed concerns that children may mistake it for chewing gum, so blue colouring was added, giving it its household name.
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What colours does Blu Tack® come in?

Bostik Blu Tack® is available in four colours: original blue, pink, white and grey.
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How much weight can Blu Tack® hold?

0.5 grams of Blu Tack® will hold an approximate 105 gram load, but Bostik Blu Tack® is not designed to hold heavy objects.
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What surfaces can I use Blu Tack® on?

Blu Tack® performs best on non-porous surfaces e.g. painted surfaces, glass, metal etc. Do not use on recently decorated surfaces or absorbent, silk-screen printed or hand stencilled wallpaper.

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