Bostik car
Build your own car with our template and glues
Best Mum Ribbon
Award Mum as the best ever for Mother's Day (or any day!)
Cardboard Frog
Grab some toilet/paper towel roll, coloured carboard, and Glu/Blu/Green Stik and hop to it!
Bostik Hot Air Balloon
Craft a Hot Air Balloon using Glu Stik, including a passenger!
Bostik Rocket
3... 2... 1... Blast off with our Rocket craft!
Family tree project
Showcase your Family Tree in this cut and paste project
Hexagon display shelf
Add an affordable decorative shelf to your home, using popsicle sticks and Hobby Craft glue
DIY bunting
A party's not a party without some bunting!
Easter Garland
This easy paper Easter garland is easy enough for kids to make!